
We welcome and encourage any effort to establish an Alumni Chapter in your area. The purpose of an Alumni Chapter should be to strengthen links among the alumni, the community and the university/college.

It does not take much! Just several enthusiastic and active alumnus who are willing to take the initiative and put in some effort to sustain it.

For the creation of an Alumni Chapter:

  • Inform the Director of Student Affairs at [email protected] of your intention to set up a chapter in your area
  • The Office of Students Affairs will invite all alumni in your country/current location to a meeting.
  • You will need to have at least 35 alumni members to set up a chapter.
  • At the first meeting, you will need to appoint an Ad hoc Alumni Committee that will organize a formal election process. As per the results, a four-member Alumni Committee is elected to head the Chapter. The Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The policies and operations of the Chapter are governed by the Alumni Association constitution of EUC/CC.


Start a Chapter